Give NaPodPoMo Podcaster Feedback Ep 20
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Podcasting within NaPodPoMo is a wonderful proving ground. As I’ve said before it is a cocoon of creativity. The NaPodPoMo 2023 MEGA Feed allows for some fabulous discovery. Most podcasters experience a surge of listens during this time. It certainly feels good to see those stats rise throughout the month.
But beyond the data, you know what else is nice? Listener feedback. If you’re listening to your fellow NaPodPoMo podcaster’s shows, let them know. We all know podcasting is a whole heck of a lot of work. A kind word, a verbal or written pat on the back goes a long way towards making our collective experience both satisfying and rewarding.
So reach out to your fellow NaPodPoMo podcasters and let them know you’re listening.
Dive Into Podcasting 2.0
Now onto the second part of the episode where I share the behind-the-scenes of going live with Podcasting 2.0’s Live Item Tag via Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin.
In 2005, I heard about podcasting and knew it was going to be something big, but even more than that I knew it was going to be something big for me. That hobby thing that I was excited to talk to people about at business mixers and caused them to look at me like I was speaking Klingon, is now something In late 2023 I make my living in podcasting. I call what I do audio magic. I love what I do for a living and find great joy in my chosen career path.
What does this have to do with Podcasting 2.0? Adam Curry who is the co-founder/co-inventor of podcasting (+Dave Winer) and is also the co-founder of Podcasting 2.0 (+Dave Jones) followed his instincts and leaned into his techie geeky side. He knew RSS and podcasting was going to revolutionize how we as human beings communicate, express ideas, and connect globally. In 2005 I realized that with podcasting I could “record something, put it on the web, and no one could stop me” My immediate response to that realization was, “Sign me up!”
Podcasting 2.0 is the next iteration of podcasting which puts even more freedom and opportunity in our hands. I encourage you to take a look at what Podcasting 2.0 has to offer because let me tell you it is a whole heck of a lot. I know you’ve heard me talk about Live Item Tag and Value4Value, but there is so much more. Does it all apply to you and your show? Nope. But you might just find some that do. Put your explorer hat on and dive into Podcasting 2.0. And you of course know that Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin has many of the Podcasting 2.0 features built right in. The more I dive into Podcasting 2.0 features inside of PowerPress the more excited I am about where podcasting is going to take me…and my clients in 2024 and beyond.
Special Announcement:
I hope you’ll join me live on Thursday, November 30th for a 10-episode podcast marathon done live. That’s right! I am going for the gusto on the very last day of National Podcast Post Month and I invite you to join fun!
The official National Podcast Post Month podcast for the 16th annual global podcast challenge is presented in two segments. The first segment is a guide for podcasters participating in National Podcast Post Month. The second segment is the behind-the-scenes of how this particular podcast is coming together using Podcasting 2.0’s Live Item Tag done through Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin.
The 16th Annual National Podcast Post Month is supported by Blubrry Podcast Hosting and Creative Work Hour.
Dive into Blubrry’s Podcasting 2.0 features:
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