Is It Too Late? Ep 6
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You’ve been hearing about National Podcast Post Month online. Maybe you even have friends who are participating. Or maybe you just learned about it today. Now that the challenge is in full swing is it too late to join?
Welcome to the official National Podcast Post Month podcast for the 16th annual global podcast challenge. I am your host and the founder of NaPodPoMo, Jennifer Navarrete.
This podcast is presented in two segments. The first segment is a guide for podcasters participating in National Podcast Post Month. The second segment is the behind-the-scenes of how this particular podcast is coming together using Podcasting 2.0’s Live Item Tag done through Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin.
Now lets dig into today’s topic: Is it too late to join NaPodPoMo?
One of the things about NaPodPoMo is that it doesn’t matter when you discover or when you join during the month. As long as you have 30 podcasts episodes, by the end of November 30th, in whatever time zone you’re in around the world, then you will have successfully completed the challenge.
Where to begin? Well, I personally think using your mobile phone with a podcast app is the low lift and easy to get started option. I call mobile + apps level one podcasting. I can tell you that I am a big fan of level one podcasting. Since I always have my phone with me, I’m always ready to podcast when I have a moment or when inspiration strikes. Plus since you already own your phone, you have everything you need to be successful right now. I recommend listening to episode four, The 4 Levels of Podcasting to learn more .
You might be feeling the pressure to catch up with everyone else who has been podcasting since day one. I find it best to ease your way into NaPodPoMo. You can always batch record to get to your 30 episodes. Let’s just start with your first episode, then you next episode. Eventually you’ll find you groove and it’ll be easier. You just need to start with one.
Now what will you talk about? I suggest listening to episode two, What are you gong to talk about?
So is it too late to join NaPodPoMo? Nope! Even if you find out about this on November 30th, and you can record all 30 episodes in before the end of November 30th, you will still have successfully completed the challenge. So the goal is to take action, to try something new, to learn along the way.
Tech Challenges + Frustration = Live Podcasting
Now onto the second part of the episode where I share the behind-the-scenes of going live with Podcasting 2.0’s Live Item Tag via Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin.
In the last episode I spoke about having eveything I needed to go live, but lacking the confidence to push the button and actually go live. At the end I mentioned I was going to share what caused me to finally push the button to go live. But I remembered afterward that there was one other stumbling block I encountered that set me back beyond that was an actual technical issue with the NaPodPoMo website. In the process of adding the SSL certificate to the site, I encountered some weird bug. I could create a post, but I could not publish the post. I also couldn’t upload any media. So I spent a couple of days trying to figure out what I had done wrong. I removed the SSL and everything worked fine. I added the SSL and things were wonky. I went down the rabbit trail of trying to find solutions. In an online forum, I saw a few folks who were encountering this issue which gave me hope. I saw one post in particular which mentioned a video tutorial of how they were able to overcome it. I hesitated half a second before clicking thinking I shouldn’t just click random links. But I clicked anyway and oh boy was that a mistake. I realized that this was not a tutorial link but a malicious link. I immediately turned off the wifi and shutdown my computer. I then rebooted in safe mode and went down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out what I would need to do to clear out my computer safely. Thankfully I had another computer that I could use in the meantime and by adding some of the apps I use for podcasting and specifically for the livestream, I was back in business.
That setback was actually what caused me to push the button and go live. It wasn’t the lack of confidence at that point it was my frustration with all of the things both real and imagined that had stopped me from doing the thing. So, I went live with a rambling stream of consciousness explaining the journey thus far. And when I was done I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had done it. I had gone live and lived to tell the tail. But wait, where was the episode I had just finished?
And with that I will close out this episode of the official National Podcast Post Month podcast for the 16th annual 30-day global podcast challenge. In the next episode I will talk about the change I made to an old favorite tool and how that transformed my live experience.
The 16th Annual National Podcast Post Month is supported by Blubrry Podcast Hosting and Creative Work Hour.
A quick reminder to subscribe (and listen) to the NaPodPoMo 2023 MEGA Feed (widget below) to hear what everyone else is up to this month. It’s a fun cornucopia of audio goodness.