iStock_000015128210XSmallIt’s been interesting to see how much podcasting seems to have taken off recently. By recently, I mean within the last 2-3 years vs when the pioneers of podcasting started.

I’m glad to see National Podcast Post Month is back thanks to Jennifer Navarrete, a tireless advocate, educator and strategist of all social media goodness.

I’m also participating in NaNoWriMo which should prove challenging. This year I am not working on a novel but using NaNoWriMo & NaPodPoMo to kick my procrastinating behind into gear and finish my website.

I’ll be writing the content for my website for National Novel Writing Month. This website will be a blend of my work and passion, a portfolio life website as I learned from Jeff Goins.

For NaPodPoMo I’ll be recording the daily efforts, pitfall and “ah ha!” moments. I’m curious to see what tools everyone is recommending for recording and posting now. Ease of use and time saver features will be high on the podcasting tools I use – recommends are welcome.

Thanks to Dave Winer podcasting has been going for over 14 years. Some of us early adopters have fall off, some have reinvented and the leisurley podcasters, like me, prefers to dust of the mic every now and then to have fun. For me, each time I get to podcast the old definitely is new.

Happy NaPodPoMo!

  1. jennifer says:

    When I think about the early days of podcasting, I remember Adam Curry and the Daily Source Code. I was a regular listener and even submitted audio comments which Adam played on the “air”. Oh boy, those were the days. #fangirlmuch

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