The Official NaPodPoMo Podcast
This podcast is hosted by founder, Jennifer Navarrete and is a guide for podcasters participating in National Podcast Post Month.
NaPodPoMo 2023 Podcast Episodes
- Congrats, Kudos & Many Thanks Ep 30Congratulations! You’ve done it! You’ve successfully completed the 2023 National Podcast Post Month challenge. If you look at the time between the two dates from 2005 to 2023 you’ll see an 18 year gap. 2005 being when I first heard about and began podcasting. 2023 being 18 years since and that podcasting is now my… Read more: Congrats, Kudos & Many Thanks Ep 30
- Did You Accomplish Your Goals? Ep 29Now that you are at the tale end of National Podcast Post Month did you accomplish your goals? Did your goals change? Did they expand? What makes a deep dive into a challenge like NaPodPoMo transformative is how quickly you learn and how the vision you have for yourself and your podcast changes. If that… Read more: Did You Accomplish Your Goals? Ep 29
- To Be Continued? Ep 28Will you continue your podcast after NaPodPoMo? Or is it a one and done? Does your podcast merit a sequel or an ongoing series or does you finish it with off with a bow on top? These are the questions you’ve probably asked yourself now that we are at the end of the challenge. Here… Read more: To Be Continued? Ep 28
- Did Your Podcast Turn Out Like You Thought It Would? Ep 27One thing I know about crisis is that it brings about clarity. Now I’m not comparing NaPodPomo to a crisis, but I can say NaPodPoMo always brings about clarity. I think it has to do with the focus, frequency, and time pressure. I know I learn a whole lot about myself each time I do… Read more: Did Your Podcast Turn Out Like You Thought It Would? Ep 27
- Lessons Learned, Knowledge Gained Ep 26When it comes the fast tracking our podcast knowledge there is nothing like a challenge to show us the stumbling points, road blocks, and lack of knowledge. Holy smokes this month has been the most challenge NaPodPoMo I’ve had in years. It’s really stretched my tech skills or should I say shown me where my… Read more: Lessons Learned, Knowledge Gained Ep 26
- What’s Next? Ep 25You’ve been part of this challenge and have been running on adrenaline, community support, and more than likely some form of caffeine. You see the finished line and are breathing a sigh of relief. But before you take a long recovery nap, let’s think about what happens AFTER NaPodPoMo. You could continue podcasting, although probably… Read more: What’s Next? Ep 25
- Repurpose Your Show Ep 24So you have a body of work, 30 episodes. The fact is this body of work that you have put together, whatever that happens to be Is your body of work. It shines a spotlight on your mission and your message. You have 30 episodes, so what now? Are you going to ride off into… Read more: Repurpose Your Show Ep 24
- Podcast Elevator Pitch Ep 23What is your podcast elevator pitch? why do you need this? Well, you’ve been working on this body of work and when you try and tell folks about it, it’s easy to get lost in the jargon. It’s easy to get lost in the details, and if someone isn’t into podcasting in the way that… Read more: Podcast Elevator Pitch Ep 23
- Call To Action – Ep 21Let’s talk about your podcast call to action
- Wait For Breakthrough Ep 22Breakthrough will happen, but only if you keep going. Imagine if I had given up at any stage.
- Give NaPodPoMo Podcaster Feedback Ep 20If you’re listening to your fellow NaPodPoMo podcaster’s shows, let them know. We all know podcasting is a whole heck of a lot of work. A kind word, a verbal or written pat on the back goes a long way.
- Permission To Change Your Show Ep 19A challenge like NaPodPoMo allows for free-flowing creativity.
- Building In Public Ep 18You’ve got an idea for a podcast, but you haven’t quite got it fleshed out. Why not build in public?
- The Real and the Raw Ep 17Consider podcasting out in the wild. Get comfortable being a podcaster in any circumstance or environment
- #Value4Value for Podcasters and Listeners Ep 16The #Value4Value model is based on the core concepts of Time, Talent, and Treasure. The people who listen and find value in what was written, spoken, or shared can provide value back to the podcaster.
- Powerful Movements Ep 15Powerful movements usually start with someone who has a mission and a message to share with the world. And they keep sharing it until eventually it goes from one voice to many.
- Your Impact Ep 14The impact your mission and message has on the world matters even if it is only one person.
- Speak Your Mission & Share Your MessageAre you feeling called inwardly to share something meaningful but haven’t acted on it? Maybe you have lots of ideas but don’t know where to start. It’s time to tap into your inner mission and message during National Podcast Post Month (NaPodPoMo).
- Running With Scissors – Testing 123 Ep 12The best way to figure whether something is working is to do it. Join me for a stream of consciousness test of my live podcast setup using Ladiocast to stream and Audio Hijack to record. A short discussion about my family and pies gets thrown into the mix when an unexpected call from my mom… Read more: Running With Scissors – Testing 123 Ep 12
- But Did You Actually Go Live? Ep 11That time you thought you were going live but it turns out you were using the wrong session…yeah that.
- Winging it! Ep 10er lamenting the mechanical scripted episodes, this episode is a free flow stream of consciousness. That’s right, I’m winging it!
- Modern Podcast Apps…This Is The Way Ep 9Now that I’m going live everyday, you’re ready to listen to these episodes live…now how exactly do you do that?
- You Are Not Alone Ep 8Up until this point you’ve been in a bit of a silo. But now the world outside of NaPodPoMo is demanding your time and attention.
- But Did You Record It? Ep 7It occurred to me that in all of my checking and rechecking of my live setup, I hadn’t even spent one single second thinking about the recording of that live. Double Doh!
- Is It Too Late? Ep 6You’ve been hearing about National Podcast Post Month online. Maybe you even have friends who are participating. Or maybe you just learned about it today. Now that the challenge is in full swing is it too late to join?
- Mics, Headphones, Audio Settings Tip Talk Ep 5You’ve got your recording space. You know what level of podcasting you’re moving forward with. Now it’s time to talk about settings, mics, and headphone tips within the four levels of podcasting.
- The 4 Levels of Podcasting Ep 4In this episode we are going to spend a little time identifying the different levels of podcast setups
- Where Are You Going To Podcast?You are all in NaPodPoMo and know exactly what you’re going to talk about but where are you going to record your podcast?
- What Are You Going To Talk About? Ep 2Okay, so you’ve made the NaPodPoMo commitment. Now what are you going to talk about for a whole month?
- What Have You Gotten Yourself Into? Ep1So you’ve made the decision to take on the challenge of National Podcast Post Month…now what?