Where Are You Going To Podcast?
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You are all in NaPodPoMo and know exactly what you’re going to talk about but where are you going to record your podcast?
Welcome to the official National Podcast Post Month podcast. I am your host and the founder of NaPodPoMo, Jennifer Navarrete. This is a 30-part series with two distinct segments. The first segment is a guide for podcasters participating in National Podcast Post Month throughout the monthlong challenge that is the 16th annual NaPodPoMo. The second segment is the behind-the-scenes of how this particular podcast is coming together using Podcasting 2.0’s Live Item Tag done through Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin.
In this episode we are kicking off the first of a three-part series. in the first part of this episode we are going to talk about the how of recording your NaPodPoMo podcast as it relates to environment, in the next episode it will be around gear and tech (four levels of podcasting). then in the final episode in this three part series I will wrap it up with a nice bow sharing tried and true practices I’ve found helpful through out the years.
Now lets talk about what you can do to improve your recording environment no matter where you happen to record.
First consider where you will record your episodes for naPodPoMo. I recommend a small room with lots of soft surfaces. like your walk-in closet. Given this is audio only no one is going to know you are surrounded by clothes. Why a walk-in closet? I consider the walk-in closet the built-in sound booth in your home. If you live in a home that does not have a walk-in closet, consider a small bedroom with carpet, curtains, bedding. Or if you will be recording in your office space which has no soft surfaces then look at introducing soft surfaces like two pillows and a towel. Put the towel on the table underneath your keyboard. Put the pillows on either side of your monitor or laptop at a 45º angle. To know if adding these three items makes a difference I recommend recording yourself before and after. You will hear a difference.
Now onto the second part of the episode where I share the behind-the-scenes of going live with Podcasting 2.0’s Live Item Tag via Blubrry’s PowerPress plugin.
Yesterday I shared that it took me almost 1/3 of the way through NaPodPoMo to finally go live and begin the 30 podcast episode series. I also shared that the challenge of understanding all the moving pieces and my own second-guessing caused the delay. So, on this episode I’ll talk that through with you all in the hopes if you decide to use the Live Item Tag that you’ll have an easier go of it.
First of all there are two tutorial videos by Blubrry I’ll link to in the show notes. These two videos are a good starting point. Once you watch them you’ll want to email todd@blubrry.com which is mentioned in the video. I did just that and told Todd my plans for NaPodPoMo. That was the beginning of my journey. Next was a session with Mike Dell to walk me through the process of setting up my podcast to go live. Which I will talk about in the next episode. For now, go watch those videos. We have 27 more episodes to dig into the nitty gritty. First we must start with the foundation of what it is and the basics of how to setup the PowerPress plugin on your site to make the magic happen. The video tutorials do just that.
And with that I will close out this episode of the official National Podcast Post Month podcast for the 16th annual 30-day global podcast challenge.